Contact Us


To contact us email, phone or write to :

(temporary email address for use to prevent spam)

Mr. J Errington MSc CPhys MInstP
22 Hollinhill, Lockhaugh
Rowlands Gill, Tyne & Wear NE39 1AZ

Tel 01207 549392

Warranties on goods and services

We provide a 90 day limited warranty on items supplied by us, and repairs we undertake. Our liability is in all cases limited to the price you paid for those goods or services, and does not cover misuse. If you have bought an item from us you may access the terms of the limited warranty here.

When we accept an item for repair we will ask you to sign a service agreement and data protection consent form, and you will receive a copy; however the terms of the agreement are also available below for your reference. If you wish to save time the Service agreement is available in printable (.pdf) and editable (.rtf) formats here.

Limited warranty on services and purchases

Service Agreement (.pdf) or editable form Service Agreement (.rtf format, editable in most office apps)